You could spend all day reading about the history of Dierks.

One of the Largest Lumber Producers
Dierks is home to one of the largest lumber mills in the United States, owned and operated by Weyerhaeuser, and used to be known as the Dierks Lumber Company.

Pine Tree Festival
The city of Dierks holds and annual “Pine Tree Festival” where businesses, churches, and other groups set up rides, attractions, food stands, and even concerts

Dierks is growing in the number of businesses and services available to the public. Though it’s a small town, Dierks’ businesses have had a big impact on the community.
Need more of a reason to come pay us at Dierks a visit?
Check out our list of Things to Do here in the southwest area of the Natural State. From camping and fishing to riding trails on the side-by-side, we’re sure you’ll find something to suit your visit here.